Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Challenge to Share your faith

Okay. My second attempt to share my faith was a little less tragetic. I went into Subway to buy a 12" Subway melt to split with my wife. I started a conversation with the lady that was working behind the counter, who asked me how my day was going so far. I told her that God has given me an awesome day. She went on to explain that things haven't been going so good for her lately. So I inquired, "What do mean by that?" She explained how things got messed up with her Vectron service and she has been out of electricity for the past four days. When I asked how long it would continue to be that way, she said that she wasn't sure. Needless to say, God brought this need to my attention in order to commit prayer on her behalf. Please join me to pray for her- The lady at Subway.

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